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Aantal resultaten: 12( DE:"sociale controle" )


The prostitution prism  / 

Gail Pheterson.Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 1996 - 176 p.
uitgave: Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 1996 - 176 p.
annotatie: Bibliogr.: p. 155-168.
samenvatting: "Like a prism, prostitution dynamics reflect and magnify pervasive social patterns. These essays examine those patterns both inside and outside the context of explicit sex commerce. The author elaborates a cross-cultural critique of the categories "prostitute" and "prostitution" as constructed in science, policy and society. At every level of analysis, terms and social categories prove to be slippery, consequential and reflective of an underlying political logic that subordinates women to men. Key to that logic is the whore stigma, an official and traditional mechanism of social control inextricable from issues as diverse as migration, health care, sexual autonomy, employment and freedom of speech." Beschouwingen van theoretische en activistische werken over prostitutie. Er wordt verband gelegd tussen sekswerk en bredere sociale patronen.

signatuur: cat. (phete/pro) b

The prostitution prism
cat. (phete/pro) b
Gail Pheterson.

Merhaba, welkom, bienvenue!

Brussel: Merhaba, 2004 - [10] bl.+ bijl.: ill.
uitgave: Brussel : Merhaba, 2004 - [10] bl.+ bijl.: ill.
  1. etnische groepen
  2. homoseksualiteit
  3. lhb
samenvatting: Programma infodag Merhaba, 24 februari 2004 te Brussel.

signatuur: cat. (merha/wel) g

Merhaba, welkom, bienvenue!
cat. (merha/wel) g

'Unnatural Fornication' Cases Under State-Socialism : A Hungarian-Slovenian Comparative Social-Historical Approach  / Judit Takács, Roman Kuhar & Tamás P. Tóth.

Journal of Homosexuality, 64 (2017) 14, p. 1943-1960
bron: Journal of Homosexuality jaargang: 64 (2017) 14 , p. 1943-1960
samenvatting: This comparative social-historical study examines different versions of state-socialist body politics manifested in Hungary and Slovenia mainly during the 1950s by using archive material of 'unnatural fornication' court cases. By analyzing the available Hungarian 'természet elleni fajtalanság' and Slovenian 'nenaravno obcevanje' court cases, we can shed light on how the defendants were treated by the police and the judiciary. On the basis of these archive data that have never been examined before from these angles, we can construct an at least partial picture of the practices and consequences of state surveillance of same-sex-attracted men during state-socialism. The article explores the functioning of state-socialist social control mechanisms directed at nonnormative sexualities that had long-lasting consequences on the social representation of homosexuality in both countries.

signatuur: ts.

'Unnatural Fornication' Cases Under State-Socialism : A Hungarian-Slovenian Comparative Social-Historical Approach
Judit Takács, Roman Kuhar & Tamás P. Tóth.
Journal of Homosexuality

Between Religion and Desire : Being Muslim and Gay in Indonesia  / Tom Boellstorff.

American Anthropologist (2005) 4 (dec), p. 575-585
bron: American Anthropologist (2005) 4 (dec), p. 575-585
samenvatting: Thousands of Indonesian men now identify as both "gay" and "Muslim." How do these men understand the relationship between religion and sexuality? How do these understandings reflect the fact that they live in the nation that is home to more Muslims than any other? In this article, the author address questions such as these through an ethnographic study of gay Muslims. He argues that dominant social norms render being gay and being Muslim "ungrammatical" with each other in the public sphere that is crucial to Muslim life in Indonesia. Through examining doctrine, interpretation, and community, he explores how gay Muslim subjectivity takes form in this incommensurability between religion and desire.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (boell/bet)

Between Religion and Desire : Being Muslim and Gay in Indonesia
dgb artikelen (boell/bet)
Tom Boellstorff.
American Anthropologist

LGBT and the Changing Moral System in Contemporary Chinese Society : Formality Marriage and the Strife between Family-centered Values and Self-centered Individual Needs  / Alessandro Tedeschi Gallo.

Lund: Lund University, Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies, 2017 - 49 p.
uitgave: Lund : Lund University, Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies, 2017 - 49 p.
  1. partnerschap/huwelijk
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: Abstract : This study focuses on the phenomenon of formality marriage xinghun in contemporary post-socialist China. This practice is becoming more and more common among LGBT individuals, namely gay men and lesbian women. The research aims to unveil and inquiry the mechanism working behind such practice, focusing on the factors influencing the choice to undergo xinghun, the search for xinghun partner and the arrangements taken before the marriage. As theoretical framework, Yan Yunxiang's dissertations about the changing moral landscape of contemporary Chinese society will be taken in consideration in behalf of the nature of social relationships between individuals. Such analysis will be posed within the context of the ongoing process of individualization triggered by the market liberalization. Hence, the research will focus in particular on the pivotal moment of any Chinese individual, that is, marriage and its social significance. It will be shown how xinghun is a result of this changing social relations, especially those between the old generation and the one called post-80s generation.

signatuur: cat. (gallo/lgb)

dgb grijs

LGBT and the Changing Moral System in Contemporary Chinese Society : Formality Marriage and the Strife between Family-centered Values and Self-centered Individual Needs
cat. (gallo/lgb)dgb grijs

Verandering van Binnenuit : Zelfbeschikking bevorderen binnen migranten- en vluchtelingengemeenschappen : Handreiking voor gemeenten  / Hilde Bakker en Hanneke Felten ; eindred. Paul van Yperen.

Utrecht: Movisie, Alliantie Verandering van Binnenuit, 2019 - 36 p.: ill.
uitgave: Utrecht : Movisie, Alliantie Verandering van Binnenuit, 2019 - 36 p.: ill.
  1. migratie/vluchtelingen/asiel
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: Onder mensen met een migratie- of vluchtelingenachtergrond bestaat relatief veel afwijzing van LHBT's. Openlijk uitkomen als LHBT kan sociale uitsluiting en soms zelfs geweld als consequentie hebben. Binnen de diverse migrantengemeenschappen is al jaren een beweging gaande om deze ongelijkheid aan de kaak te stellen en het recht op zelfbeschikking te bepleiten. Deze handreiking is vooral bedoeld voor gemeenten die een mentaliteitsverandering in de migranten- en vluchtelingen- gemeenschappen willen ondersteunen en versterken. Deze handreiking biedt informatie en handvatten voor beleidsontwikkeling, samenwerking en financiering van de activiteiten. Uitgangspunt is hierbij dat de verandering 'van binnenuit', vanuit de gemeenschappen zelf moet komen. Deze handreiking is geschreven vanuit een alliantie met landelijk werkende migranten- en vluchtelingenorganisaties, en is deels gebaseerd op hun ervaringen.

signatuur: cat. (bakke/fel)

dgb grijs

Verandering van Binnenuit : Zelfbeschikking bevorderen binnen migranten- en vluchtelingengemeenschappen : Handreiking voor gemeenten
cat. (bakke/fel)dgb grijs

'Het gevaar is dat bloot besmet raakt' : Waarom naakt in de kunst blootgewoon is, volgens schrijver Ted van Lieshout  / Sander Becker ; Ted van Lieshout.

Trouw 26-02-2020
bron: Trouw 26-02-2020
samenvatting: Interview met schrijver Ted van Lieshout over zijn roman 'Bloot' waarin hij allerlei naakt in de kunst bespreekt en waar hij in het geweer komt tegen de verpreutsing van de samenleving.

signatuur: full_text

knipsel (bb/ba)

'Het gevaar is dat bloot besmet raakt' : Waarom naakt in de kunst blootgewoon is, volgens schrijver Ted van Lieshout
full_text knipsel (bb/ba)
Sander Becker ; Ted van Lieshout.

Under wraps : A survey of public attitudes to homosexuality and gender non-conformity in Malawi.

Johannesburg [etc.]: The Other Foundation ; [etc.], 2019 - 73 p.: ill.
uitgave: Johannesburg [etc.] : The Other Foundation ; [etc.], 2019 - 73 p.: ill.
  1. attituden/opinies
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: This report is the first nationally representative survey of attitudes towards LGBTI people in Malawi, and is so called because it shows that Malawi has a comparatively high LGBTI population that is known by a significant number of ordinary Malawians to be socially vulnerable - but this reality remains hidden in Malawi's social consciousness. Despite strong social values and aspirations of equality, non violence, and belonging in a community, the majority of Malawians restrict LGBTI people from being openly recognized and safely included in families, communities, workplaces, cultural practices, and public policies. However, a large number of Malawians are thinking differently about discrimination, even the majority in relation to recognition of intersex people and violence towards LGBTI people.

signatuur: cat. (under/wra)

dgb grijs

Under wraps : A survey of public attitudes to homosexuality and gender non-conformity in Malawi.
cat. (under/wra)dgb grijs

Swimming with sharks: The negative social and psychological impacts of Ireland's marriage equality referendum 'NO' campaign : A survey report  / Sharon Dane, Liz Short, Grainne Healy.

Brisbane [etc.]: University of Queensland ; Sydney : PFLAG ; Dublin : National LGBT Federation, 2016 - 57 p.: ill.
uitgave: Brisbane [etc.] : University of Queensland ; Sydney : PFLAG ; Dublin : National LGBT Federation, 2016 - 57 p.: ill.
  1. beleid/politiek/wetgeving
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: The aim of this project was to generate knowledge about the experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people and their families during the 'YES' and 'NO' campaigns in the lead up to Ireland's marriage equality referendum, and after the outcome. This first summary report focuses on the negative social and psychological experiences of these individuals during the months leading up to the referendum vote. Expectantly the findings from this research will assist governments, health organisations, educators and community groups to better understand the effects of such campaigns on LGBTI people and their families, and contribute to the international body of research on this topic.

signatuur: cat. (dane-s/sho)

dgb grijs

Swimming with sharks: The negative social and psychological impacts of Ireland's marriage equality referendum 'NO' campaign : A survey report
cat. (dane-s/sho)dgb grijs

Public Receptivity Towards LGBT in Recent Times Malaysia: LGBT Perspectives  / Collin Jerome ... [et al.].

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11 (2021) 14 (jan-mar), p. 371-383
bron: International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences jaargang: 11 (2021) 14 (jan-mar), p. 371-383
samenvatting: Abstract: The increasing visibility of LGBT communities has generated considerable public debate in Malaysia and many research studies have examined (and are currently examining) the subject matter. This article presents the findings of a qualitative study that aims to examine public receptivity towards LGBT in present-day Malaysia. Views from 15 LGBT individuals from Malaysia who consented to participate in the study were gathered via interviews and analyzed using Creswell's (2014) qualitative data analysis procedures. The findings show that the participants viewed public receptivity towards LGBT in Malaysia from two perspectives, despite their varying views on the subject matter based on their personal experiences: 1) religion and the cultural norms about gender and sexuality that are regulated within the ethnic groups the participants belong to continue to influence public receptivity towards LGBT; and 2) certain segments of the Malaysian public are showing receptivity towards LGBT in Malaysia as can be seen in the emergence of LGBT figures on social media, and their legions of followers who recognize and accept their non-normative gender or sexual identity. The findings have implications for current and future studies that examine the changing realities of Malaysia's LGBT communities in recent times.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (jerom/tin)

Public Receptivity Towards LGBT in Recent Times Malaysia: LGBT Perspectives
dgb artikelen (jerom/tin)
Collin Jerome ... [et al.].
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


( DE:"sociale controle" )

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